A pair of hands snuggling a bunny
© Yulia Gapeenko| Dreamstime.com
Health in this context includes the physical, mental, emotional, and social well-being of people of all ages and the health and welfare of pets and other animals involved in delivering AAHS. Read more...
Standards protect consumer interests within Canada and around the world. They also help businesses meet consumer needs and enhance credibility, especially when demonstrating compliance through third-party conformity assessment.
Canada's First Voluntary National Standard of Canada (NSC) for Animal-Assisted Human Services
Consumer Definition within the NSC: An individual or group of individuals that use AAHS goods and services. Page 9
Section 4.1.5 Responsibility and Accountability - Animal-Assisted Human Service Provider
Privacy of Individuals within the AAHSP and Consumers Page 13
Safety of Individuals within the AAHSP and Consumers Page 14
Famous Quotes
"Your customer doesn’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. - Damon Richards"
Customers are the most important visitor on our premises, they are not dependent on us, we are dependent on them. They are not an interruption in our work. They are the purpose of it. They are not outsiders in our business. They are part of it; we are not doing them a favour by serving them. They are doing us a favour by giving us an opportunity to do so. – Mahatma Gandhi