Assistance/Service Dogs
A dog or possibly another animal that is individually task trained to assist, work with, and benefit a person with a visible or invisible disability or
life-altering injuries such as physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability, brain or workplace injury, or disorders.
Highlights within an Evolving Marketplace
Service Dogs in Canada - An Evolving Landscape (Text Version)
Service Dogs in Canada - An Evolving Landscape
Provincial Systemic Changes
British Columbia’s Guide and Service Dog Certification Program, Alberta’s Service Dog Training Assessment Program
Nova Scotia’s Service Dog Certification Program
Quebec Reimbursement Program and Guide Dogs and Service Dogs
Additionally, the provinces of Quebec and Ontario have opted to restrict service dog benefits associated with the Quebec Disability Support Program and the Ontario Disability Support Program to recipients with dogs trained by specific organizations according to brand. To learn more, please click on the enclosed links.
Service Dogs for Veterans