Canada's Animals in War Tribute

In memory of our esteemed and fondly remembered Patron Veteran Lloyd Swick for his vision and leadership in spearheading the remembrance of the animals that selflessly served and those that continue to serve at home and abroad with their handlers to defend Canadian national interests domestically and internationally. 

A Special Note of Recognition & Gratitude

To Veteran Lloyd Swick's devoted Family, dear friends, the Monument Artist David Clendining, the dedicated AIW Project Volunteers, gracious Sponsors, and Supporters for working together to embrace this shared vision and timeless tribute to the animals.

About the Artist ​​David Clendining

An Accomplished Artist


We give thanks for Canada’s security and the freedoms we enjoy daily due to these selfless acts in days gone by and because of our Troops and the animals that continue to stand on guard at home and internationally.

“Don’t walk in front of me… I may not follow
Don’t walk behind me… I may not lead
Walk beside me… just be my friend”
― Albert Camus

LloydSwick2.jpg Veteran Lloyd Swick 

The project website: 

​Lloyd Swick’s military and public service career spans more than 44 years. He served as a platoon commander with the Calgary Highlanders in the liberation of Holland during WWII. Post-war, he attended the University of Manitoba and earned a BSc degree. He rejoined the military to serve in Korea with Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry Regiment. He also undertook United Nations’ Observer duties in India and Pakistan. Read more...

Lloyd, as an author, also collected, wrote, and published stories about servicemen who, after WWII, exchanged their military bonds for those of a unique veteran community at the University of Manitoba. Read More...

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  • Real Shepherd and Sculpted Shepherd

    Real Shepherd and Sculpted Shepherd

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Legacy Continues

A special tribute to our canine allies Commemorative Monument / Heroes Park Beaconsfield, Québec.
War horses went where vehicles feared to tread | Gananoque Reporter
“Many of these horses were left in the care of those who did not know how to tend to them,” war veteran Lloyd Swick told Ariana Kaknevicius

Canada’s War Animal Memorial

Canada’s war memorial commemorates the animals who have served in wartime.

Animals in War Dedication Monument Location
The Animals in War Dedication was placed near the Boer War Monument in Confederation Park, Ottawa, Canada.

Canada won its first battle on foreign land and under British command.  Canada supplied 50,000 horses and mounted troops for the Boer War.  Regiments that fought in the Boer War are perpetuated in today’s regiments, namely The Royal Canadian Armoured Corps and the Royal Canadian Horse Artillery. Read more...

Military Mascots & Service Animals

Animals Serving at Home to Combat Operational Injuries

Not only have animals worked side-by-side with the military for centuries on the front line they have also played a pivotal role as mascots, as well as aids such as service dogs.  Dogs and horses, for example, help manage stress and the fallout of operational stress and related injuries. Read more...

Government of Canada Animals in War Dedication Commemoration

The Animals in War Dedication honours animals that served alongside their human comrades in war.  It is symbolically set next to the South African War Memorial, a battle for which Canada supplied 50,000 horses for mounted troops.  Both commemorations are located in Confederation Park in downtown Ottawa.

The footprints of dogs, horses and mules are stamped into the concrete of the Animals in War Dedication, representing the marks they left on the battlefield.  Read more...