Competition A Canadian Vantage Point
Competition Act
Why Competition Matters
Canada is one of many countries worldwide with a competition act. Not only does a fair and competitive market build a more robust economy, but it is also a catalyst for innovation to increase productivity and quality. That is when it's understood, promoted, and taken seriously.
A vibrant open marketplace supported by the government enhances the affordability and accessibility of goods and services, benefiting consumers, businesses, and other relevant stakeholders such as the public and private sectors. In short, a fair and open marketplace levels the playing field by putting consumer interests first.
Co-creating a robust framework and bringing together a skilled workforce will foster industry sector recognition and promote job creation, apprenticeship programs, and seamless access to credible services while addressing the ever-increasing demand for AAHS in healthcare, social services, justice, and correctional services sectors.
Connecting, communicating, collaborating, coordinating and celebrating service excellence aims to cultivate unity in diversity among multiple stakeholders, disciplines, and sectors to enhance public confidence, public safety, quality, and animal health and welfare to nurture One Health for People, Pets, and Partners™ One Health: The Canadian Foundation for Animal-Assisted Support Services (